A user interface library for micro controller sketches based on U8g2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CUIAreaArea consisting of left, top, right, and bottom value
 CUIBitmapA widget containing a bitmap (XBMP) which is set statically during compile time
 CUICardsWidget group which shows nothing or exactly one of its sub-widgets
 CUICheckerboardA widget drawing a checkerboard into its space
 CUIColumnsWidget group for widgets organized in columns one next to the other
 CUIDisplayRepresentation of the display onto which UiUiUi renders its user interface
 CUIEnvelopeEnvelope widget which contains exactly one other widget and changes its representation
 CUIHorizontalLineHorizontal line with optional empty border on top and bottom, always spreads as wide as possible to the left and right
 CUIParentSimple abstraction of elements which have at least one child
 CUIPointRepresentation of a point on the display
 CUIRowsWidget group for widgets organized in rows one below the other
 CUISizeRepresentation of a size, i.e
 CUITextIconWidget which shows an icon by some normal text operation, usually with a font with icons
 CUITextLineA widget containing a line of text which is set dynamically during runtime using setText()
 CUIVerticalLineVertical line with optional empty border left and right, always spreads as wide as possible to top and bottom
 CUIWidgetBasic widget class, ancestor of all UI widgets
 CUIWidgetGroupMain abstraction of a group of interface widgets